What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world?

 What are the biggest lessons you have learned in the corporate world?

Here it goes:

  • Your teammates aren't your friends.
  • Favouritism and buttering is a real thing.
  • Image matters a lot , so don't ruin it for little things.
  • Promotion and appreciation isn't always given to the “deserving candidates”.
  • Communication skills matter a lot more than you think.
  • You should expect to get betrayed by colleagues especially who act like your friends.
  • There shouldn't be any space for emotions.
    • You should be able to completely cut of from your work outside it.
  • You should never say “No" to any senior or client.
    • Try to be diplomatic and say “Sure I could work on that code/presentation but I'm not sure if I've bandwidth for that".
  • You should try to work on your skills and improve yourself. Trust me this is the most important thing for survival.

These are the little things I learnt in my corporate world.

Hope it helps.
